The changing face of hiring Business is changing, and our approach to recruitment needs to change with it. Flatter structures are replacing the old hierarchies. Modern professionals value culture and passion as much as their paychecks. The pace of change grows ever...
Abandoning feudalism – the open talent economy The second part of Deloitte’s Human Capital Trends 2013 paper discusses the emerging open talent economy, a change in the way that businesses relate to the talent they employ. While Deloitte ties this shift to some very...
Predictive analytics in HR – smarter recruitment (Article 3 in this series of 8) Predictive analytics is often associated with the big trends – looking at what recruits you will need over the whole business. But it can also be helpful at the other end of the scale of...
Predictive analytics in HR – looking at the big picture (Article 2 in this series of 8) Predictive analytics is a powerful tool, and it can achieve a lot within HR. A large part of where this potential comes from is the ability to connect HR, and in particular...
The last few years have seen a continuing growth in the use of predictive analytics – using computer models to analyze data and predict patterns and trends. Widely used in finance, insurance and marketing, it is less popular in HR, where much emphasis is still placed...